Portugal in Numbers
Clinical Research as a strategic priority for the country
In the last years, there has been a significant growth in number and sample size of clinical trials in Portugal covering different therapeutic areas and Clinical Research Centers

Quality of research centers
27th place
out of 140 economies worldwide
The Global Competitiveness Report (2019)
Universal coverage and quality of NHS
13th place
in Europe (out of 35 European countries in total)
Euro Health Consumer Index (2018)
No. of researchers in health sector per million inhabitants
4th place
out of 82 countries
Global Observatory on Health R&D (2022)
Attractive research system and innovation-friendly environment
Biggest performance increase compared to 2018 within the group of "Strong Innovators"
European Innovation Scoreboard
Scientific production in health indexed in the Web of Science
1.5 normalized citation impact
Produção Científica Portuguesa: Indicadores Bibliométricos 2016-2020 – DGEEC (February 2022)
175Clinical Trials submitted in 2021
144Clinical Trials approved in 2021
Submitted and Approved Clinical Trials
Source: INFARMED, I.P.
Clinical Trials submitted by phase
Source: INFARMED, I.P.
Clinical Trials submitted by therapeutic area
* Endocrine System (H), Genital-Urinary System and Sex Hormones (G), Dermatological (D), Various (V) Antiparasiticides and Insecticides and Repellents (P) | Source: INFARMED, I.P.
Evaluation and authorization of clinical trials involving medical devices
Source: Relatórios Atividade INFARMED
Submitted Clinical Trials by Sponsor Type
Source: INFARMED, I.P.
Average approval decision time (in calendar days)
Source: INFARMED, I.P.
Average time to issue ethical opinion for conducting a clinical trial (working days)
Source: CEIC
Ethical opinion for conducting a clinical trial
Source: CEIC